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Colour Psychology: What's Your Brand Personality?

Spring is in the air, and as I look around my community, the trees and flowers are budding, almost ready to present their bold, bright colours to the world, which has me thinking about colour psychology and marketing. So, I thought to myself; this is the perfect time to explore the power of colour!

Before we uncover the meanings behind some of the most popular brand colours used today, we should first understand what colour psychology is.

According to Help Scout, colour psychology is characterized as "studying how colours affect perceptions and behaviours. In marketing and branding, colour psychology is focused on how colours impact consumers' impressions of a brand and whether or not they persuade consumers to consider specific brands or to make a purchase". I don't know about you, but I'm excited to have a more intimate look at some familiar shades and what they mean. Still, there are a couple of terms you should familiarize yourself with first - primary, secondary, and tertiary colours:

Primary Colours: Yellow, blue, and red are the three colours that make up primary colours. Primary colours are the root of all colour and are used to mixed both secondary and tertiary colours.

Secondary Colours - Colour Wheel Artist defines secondary colours "as the children of the three primary colours, yellow, blue, and red." Secondary colours consist of orange, purple, and green.

Tertiary Colours - The remaining six colours on the wheel belong in the tertiary colour category. The colours in this section include yellow/orange, red/orange, blue/purple, blue/green, and yellow/green.

When it comes to colour, the possibilities are endless, but when it comes to your brand, it's imperative to use colours that represent your brand's personality and will attract your ideal customer. Let's take a closer look at some of the most common dyes used today:

Red is a choice colour among male entrepreneurs. It envokes power, passion, energy, love, desire, and determination. Red is also a dramatic colour that will catch your eye. Think about the last time you say a sales sign, was the text in red? This is because it's such a bold colour!

Blue is such a calming colour for me, but its meaning expands beyond its tranquil effects. Blue is also associated with peace, freedom, intuition, and imagination. (Fun Fact: blue is also a popular colour for flags due to its characteristics).

Yellow is a bright and cheery colour filled with warmth, but did you know it's connected with muscle growth and mental activity as well? Like red, yellow is a powerful colour, but it's recommended to use it sparingly as too much yellow can provoke anxiety.

Green is a colour I immediately equate to nature. It makes me think of new beginnings and new life, but it's also a status symbol for money, ambition, and wealth. Green is a favourite colour amongst financial institutions and banks.

Purple is a colour that has been associated with royalty since the time of kings and queens. But, when it comes to marketing, purple is a colour attribute correlated to creativity and luxury.

Black is a rich and robust neutral colour. Like purple, black is connected to more luxurious brands, but it also symbolizes edginess and sophistication, perfect for the luxury automotive industries.

White is generally connected to purity and cleanliness, but it also signifies health and simplicity. White is a beautiful complimentary colour to any brand.

You truly have an entire rainbow of possibilities!

One final thought to consider, try only incorporating three colours into your brand (base, accent, neutral). This will allow you to express your brand's personality in a clean, effective manner without confusing your potential clients.

Happy Branding!

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